Recent Papers
Volume 16 - 2025 Issue 1
1. New taxa of Xylariales from Karst Ecosystems in Southwestern China
Liu LL et al. (2025)
Volume 15 - 2024 Issue 1
30. Identification and characterization of Albonectria, Fusarium, and Neocosmospora species associated with ornamental plants in Southern China
Zhang YX et al. (2024)
29. Lignicolous freshwater fungi from karst landscapes in Yunnan Province, China
Wang WP et al. (2024)
28. Lignicolous freshwater fungi from China Ⅳ: Morphology and phylogeny reveal new species of Pleosporales from plateau lakes in Yunnan Province, China
Shen HW et al. (2024)
27. Unlocking nature’s pharmacy: diversity of medicinal properties and mycochemicals in the family Hymenochaetaceae (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota)
Ghobad-Nejhad M et al.
26. A reappraisal of families within the order Magnaporthales and description of new endophytic taxa associated with Poaceae plants in China
Feng JW et al. (2024)
25. The 2024 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa
Hyde KD et al. (2024)
24. Bambusicolous Fungi from Southwestern China
Yu XD et al. (2024)
23. Oomycetes as biocontrol agents: unveiling their potential and mechanisms in plant disease control
Li Y et al. (2024)
22. The revision of the taxonomic system of Lycoperdaceae
Li JX et al. (2024)
Volume 9 - 2018 - Issue 1 - Closed
1. Mycosphere Notes 102–168: Saprotrophic fungi on Vitis in China, Italy, Russia and Thailand
Authors: Jayawardena RS, Hyde KD, Chethana KWT, Daranagama DA, Dissanayake AJ, Goonasekara ID, Manawasinghe IS, Mapook A, Jayasiri SC, Karunarathna A, Li CG, Phukhamsakda C, Senanayake IC, Wanasinghe DN, Camporesi E, Bulgakov TS, Li XH, Liu M, Zhang W, Yan JY
Recieved: 30 November 2017, Accepted: 29 January 2018, Published: 05 February 2018
This is the third paper in the series, Mycosphere notes, wherein we provide notes on various fungal taxa. In this set of notes, we deal with species found on the grape genus, Vitis, one of the most important economically important crops, grown worldwide. We provide notes on 67 taxa, including two new species, Alternaria italica and Alfaria vitis, an asexual morph for Alfaria cyperi-esculenti and 41 new host records or distribution records. The taxonomic placement of most taxa discussed in this study is based on a modern taxonomic framework based on analysis of multi-gene sequence data.
Keywords: 2 new species – Alfaria vitis – Alternaria italica – Grapevine – Molecular phylogeny – New host records – Saprotrophs
2. Notes for genera update – Ascomycota: 6616-6821
Authors: Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD, Divakar PK, Rajeshkumar KC, Weerahewa D, Delgado G, Wang Y, Fu L
Recieved: 27 November 2017, Accepted: 22 January 2018, Published: 09 February 2018
Taxonomic knowledge of the Ascomycota, is rapidly changing because of use of molecular data, thus continuous updates of existing taxonomic data with new data is essential. In the current paper, we compile existing data of several genera missing from the recently published “Notes for genera-Ascomycota”. This includes 206 entries.
Keywords: Asexual genera – Data bases – Sexual genera – Taxonomy
3. Cantharellus subg. Pseudocantharellus (Hydnaceae, Cantharellales) revisited: one epityfication, one new synonym and one new species
Authors: Buyck B, Hofstetter V
Recieved: 18 January 2018, Accepted: 20 February 2018, Published: 21 February 2018
Cantharellus rhodophyllus is epitypified with a recent collection from the African rain forest and full barcode ITS sequences are provided. After a detailed comparison of the original descriptions and these new collections, C. subincarnatus – introduced as a new name for the invalid C. incarnatus – is considered a later synonym. Phylogenetic analysis using tef-1 sequence data place C. rhodophyllus in Cantharellus subg. Pseudocantharellus and demonstrate that C. subincarnatus subsp. rubrosalmoneus from Madagascar is an independent species that is more closely related to C. miniatescens.
Keywords: 1 new species – Barcoding – Cantharellus rhodophyllus – Cantharellus subincarnatus – Cantharellus rubrosalmoneus – ITS – tef-1
4. Yeasts associated with Euploea butterflies
Authors: Lin WR, Wang PH, Hsieh SY, Tsai CH, Hsiao SC
Recieved: 05 January 2018, Accepted: 16 February 2018, Published: 23 February 2018
The yeasts were observed attached to the mouthparts, wings, and forelegs of migratory butterflies in Taiwan. Fifty-eight dominant yeast strains yeasts were isolated from 56 Euploea butterflies and identified by rDNA ITS and D1/D2 sequencing. The yeasts which associated with Euploea butterflies included ascomycetous yeasts, such as Aureobasidium sp., Candida chanthaburiensis, C. corydalis, Metschnikowia koreensis, Metschnikowia sp., and Debaryomyces hansenii; and basidiomycetous yeasts, such as Cryptococcus rajasthanensis, Dirkmeia churashimaensis, Filobasidium globisporum, Hannaella pagnoccae, Papiliotrema flavescens, Pseudozyma hubeiensis, P. tsukubaensis, Pseudozyma sp., Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, R. subericola, and Rhodosporidiobolus poonsookiae. The most common yeast, Candida corydalis, associated with 4 migratory Euploea species and seemed transmitted through nectar. When the butterflies feed on nectar, bask in the sun on the leaf, sip at the moisture on leaves, in puddles or wet sand and soil, they come into contact with yeasts. This is the first report about the yeast microbiome of migratory butterflies.
Keywords: insect-fungus associations – insect microbiome – milkweed butterflies – Saccharomycotina
5. Orbiliaceae from Thailand
Authors: Ekanayaka AH, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Zhao Q
Recieved: 06 December 2017, Accepted: 22 January 2018, Published: 27 February 2018
The family Orbiliaceae is characterized by small, yellowish, sessile to sub-stipitate apothecia, inoperculate asci and asymmetrical globose to fusoid ascospores. Morphological and phylogenetic studies were carried out on new collections of Orbiliaceae from Thailand and revealed Hyalorbilia erythrostigma, Hyalorbilia inflatula, Orbilia stipitata sp. nov., Orbilia leucostigma and Orbilia caudata. Our new species is confirmed to be divergent from other Orbiliaceae species based on morphological examination and molecular phylogenetic analyses of ITS and LSU sequence data. Descriptions and figures are provided for the taxa which are also compared with allied taxa.
Keywords: apothecia – discomycetes – inoperculate – phylogeny – taxonomy