Recent Papers
Volume 15 - 2024 Issue 1
30. Identification and characterization of Albonectria, Fusarium, and Neocosmospora species associated with ornamental plants in Southern China
Zhang YX et al. (2024)
29. Lignicolous freshwater fungi from karst landscapes in Yunnan Province, China
Wang WP et al. (2024)
28. Lignicolous freshwater fungi from China Ⅳ: Morphology and phylogeny reveal new species of Pleosporales from plateau lakes in Yunnan Province, China
Shen HW et al. (2024)
27. Unlocking nature’s pharmacy: diversity of medicinal properties and mycochemicals in the family Hymenochaetaceae (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota)
Ghobad-Nejhad M et al.
26. A reappraisal of families within the order Magnaporthales and description of new endophytic taxa associated with Poaceae plants in China
Feng JW et al. (2024)
25. The 2024 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa
Hyde KD et al. (2024)
24. Bambusicolous Fungi from Southwestern China
Yu XD et al. (2024)
23. Oomycetes as biocontrol agents: unveiling their potential and mechanisms in plant disease control
Li Y et al. (2024)
22. The revision of the taxonomic system of Lycoperdaceae
Li JX et al. (2024)
21. Bambusicolous mycopathogens in China with an update on taxonomic diversity, novel species, pathogenicity, and new insights
Yang CL et al. (2024)
Volume 8 - 2017 - Index
Issue 1 (January/February)- closed
1. Diaporthe nobilis, a new record on Camellia sinensis in Guizhou Province, China
Li Y, Tan P, Zhao DG
Mycosphere 8 (1), 1–8
2. Biochemical changes causes lack of bioluminescence in fruiting bodies of Armillaria
Puzyr AP, Medvedeva SE, Bondar VS
Mycosphere 8 (1), 1–8
3. Influence of endophytic fungi isolated from symptomless weeds on cherry plants
Ilic J, Cosic J, Vrandecic K, Dugalic K, Pranjic A, Martin J
Mycosphere 8 (1), 18–30
4. Metarhizium dendrolimatilis, a novel Metarhizium species parasitic on Dendrolimus sp. larvae
Chen WH, Han YF, Liang JD, Liang ZQ, Jin DC
Mycosphere 8(1), 31–37
5. Morphological traits and molecular analysis for Geomyces fujianensis sp. nov. from China
Chen WH, Zeng GP, Luo Y, Liang ZQ, Han YF
Mycosphere 8(1), 38–43
6. A new species Xerocomus (Boletaceae) from India
Chakraborty D, Parihar A, Nikita Mehta, Baghela A, Das K
Mycosphere 8(1), 44–50
7. Revisiting the genus Cytospora and allied species
Norphanphoun C, Doilom M, Daranagama DA, Phookamsak R, Wen TC, Bulgakov TS, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(1), 51–97
8. Amylosporus campbellii (Berk.) Ryvarden (Bondarzewiaceae, Basidiomycota), new record to Europe
Bernicchia A, Genovese R, Gorjón SP
Mycosphere 8(1), 98–101
9. Fungi from Asian Karst formations I. Pestalotiopsis photinicola sp. nov., causing leaf spots of Photinia serrulata
Chen YY, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Liu JK, Hyde KD, Nanayakkara RR, Zhu GS, Liu ZY
Mycosphere 8(1), 103–110
10. Trypanocidal activity, cytotoxicity and histone modifications induced by malformin A1 isolated from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus tubingensis IFM 63452
Notarte KI, Nakao Y, Yaguchi T, Bungihan M, Suganuma K and dela Cruz TE,
Mycosphere 8(1), 111–120
11. Two new records in Pestalotiopsidaceae associated with Orchidaceae disease in Guangxi Province, China
Ran SF, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Ren YL Liu H, Chen KR, Wang YX, Wang Y
Mycosphere 8(1), 120–129
12. A rapid and simple method for screening fungi for extracellular protease enzymes
Thirunavukkarasu N, Suryanarayanan TS, Rajamani T, Paranetharan MS
Mycosphere 8(1), 131–136
13. A new species of Chaetothyrina on branches of mango, and introducing Phaeothecoidiellaceae fam. nov.
Hongsanan S, Zhao RL, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(1), 137–146
14. Improvement of laccase production by Pleurotus ostreatus by means of agroindustrial waste and fermentation kinetics
Zhao LH, Chen W, Wang LL, Sun HJ, Zhu Z
Mycosphere 8(1), 147–161
15. Morphophylogenetic study of Sydowiellaceae reveals several new genera
Senanayake IC, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Jeewon R, Promputtha I, Al-Sadi AM, Camporesi E, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(1), 172–217
16. A checklist for identifying Meliolales species
Zeng XY, Zhao JJ, Hongsanan S, Chomnunti P, Boonmee S, Wen TC
Mycosphere 8(1), 218–359
Issue 10 (November/December) - Closed
17. Lignicolous freshwater fungi from China I : Aquadictyospora lignicola gen. et sp. nov. and new record of Pseudodictyosporium wauense from northwestern Yunnan Province
Li WL, Luo ZL, Liu JK, Bhat DJ, Bao DF, Su HY, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(10), 1587–1597
18. Neophyllachora gen nov. (Phyllachorales), three new species of Phyllachora from Poaceae and resurrection of Polystigmataceae (Xylariales)
Dayarathne MC, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Jones EBG, Goonasekara ID, Bulgakov TS, Al-Sadi AM, Hyde KD, Lumyong S and McKenzie EHC
Mycosphere 8(10), 1598–1625
19. Metabolomics reveals changes in metabolite concentrations and correlations during sexual development of Eurotium cristatum (synonym: Aspergillus cristatus)
Ren CG, Tan YM, Ren XX, Liu YX and Liu ZY
Mycosphere 8(10), 1626–1639
20. The edible wide mushrooms of Agaricus section Bivelares from Western China
Zhang MZ, Li GJ, Dai RC, Xi YL, Wei SL and Zhao RL
Mycosphere 8(10), 1640–1652
21. Mycosphere Essays 20: Therapeutic potential of Ganoderma species: Insights into its use as traditional medicine
Hapuarachchi KK, Cheng CR, Wen TC, Jeewon R and Kakumyan P
Mycosphere 8(10), 1653–1694
22. Mycosphere notes 51–101. Revision of genera in Perisporiopsidaceae and Pseudoperisporiaceae and other Ascomycota genera incertae sedis
Boonmee S, Phookamsak R, Hongsanan S, Doilom M, Mapook A, McKenzie EHC, Bhat DJ, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(10), 1695–1801
23. Nomenclatural and identification pitfalls of endophytic mycota based on DNA sequence analyses of ribosomal and protein genes phylogenetic markers: A taxonomic dead end?
Jeewon R, Wanasinghe DN, Rampadaruth S, Puchooa D, Zhou Li-Gang, Liu Ai-Rong, Wang Hong-Kai
Mycosphere 8(10), 1802–1817
24. Novel fungal species of Phaeosphaeriaceae with an asexual/sexual morph connection.
Karunarathna A, Papizadeh M, Senanayake IC, Jeewon R, Phookamsak R, Goonasekara ID, Wanasinghe DN, Wijayawardene NN, Amoozegar MA, Shahzadeh Fazeli SA, Camporesi E, Hyde KD, Weerahewa HLD, Lumyong S, McKenzie EHC
Mycosphere 8(10), 1818–1834
25. Novel taxa of Diatrypaceae from Para rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in northern Thailand; introducing a novel genus Allocryptovalsa.
Senwanna C, Phookamsak R, Doilom M, Hyde KD, Cheewangkoon R
Mycosphere 8(10), 1835–1855
26. Establishment of Zygosporiaceae fam. nov. (Xylariales, Sordariomycetes) based on rDNA sequence data to accommodate Zygosporium.
Li JF, Phookamsak R, Jeewon R, Tibpromma S, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Bhat DJ, Chukeatirote E, Lumyong S, Hyde KD, McKenzie EHC
Mycosphere 8(10), 1855–1868
27. Can ITS sequence data identify fungal endophytes from cultures? A case study from Rhizophora apiculata
Doilom M, Manawasinghe IS, Jeewon R, Jayawardena RS, Tibpromma S, Hongsanan S, Meepol W, Lumyong S, Jones EBG, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(10), 1869–1892
28. Two new species in Fuscosporellaceae from freshwater habitats in Thailand.
Yang J, Liu JK, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Liu ZY
Mycosphere 8(10), 1893–1903
29. DNA barcoding as a tool for identification of plasmodia and sclerotia of myxomycetes (Myxogastria) appearing in moist chamber cultures.
Shchepin ON, Dagamac NH, Sanchez OM, Novozhilov YK, Schnittler M, Zemlyanskaya IV
Mycosphere 8(10), 1904–1913
30. Four new species of Trichoderma with hyaline ascospores from southwest China
Zhang YB, Zhuang WY
Mycosphere 8(10), 1914–1929
31. Phylogenetic placement of Micropeltidaceae
Hongsanan S, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(10), 1930–1942
32. Leptosporella (Leptosporellaceae fam. nov.) and Linocarpon and Neolinocarpon (Linocarpaceae fam. nov.) are accommodated in Chaetosphaeriales.
Konta S, Hongsanan S, Eungwanichayapant PD, Liu JK, Jeewon R, Hyde KD, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Boonmee S
Mycosphere 8(10), 1943–1974
33. What is the best: A four marker phylogenetic study of the dark spored myxomycete Fuligo septica
Hoppe T
Mycosphere 8(10), 1975–1983
Issue 2 (SI Botryosphaeriales)-closed
34. Special issue – Towards a better understanding of Botryosphaeriales
AJL Phillips
Mycosphere 8(2), 102
35. Botryosphaeria rosaceae sp. nov. and B. ramosa, new botryosphaeriaceous taxa from China
Zhou YP, Zhang M, Dou ZhP, Zhang Y
Mycosphere 8(1), 162–171
36. Lasiodiplodia chinensis, a new holomorphic species from China
Dou ZP, He W, Zhang Y
Mycosphere 8(1), 521–532
37. Three species of Neofusicoccum (Botryosphaeriaceae, Botryosphaeriales) associated with woody plants from southern China
Zhang M, Lin S, He W, Zhang Y
Mycosphere 8(4) 797–808
38. Does morphology matter in taxonomy of Lasiodiplodia? An answer from Lasiodiplodia hyalina sp. nov.
Dou ZP, He W, Zhang Y
Mycosphere 8(2) 1014–1027
39. Dothiorella magnoliae, a new species associated with dieback of Magnolia grandiflora from China
You CJ, Liu X, Li LX, Tsui CKM, Tian CM
Mycosphere 8(8) 1031–1041
40. Saprobic Botryosphaeriaceae, including Dothiorella italica sp. nov., associated with urban and forest trees in Italy
Dissanayake AJ, Camporesi E, Hyde KD, Yan JY, Li XH
Mycosphere 8(2) 1157–1176
41. Aplosporella ginkgonis (Aplosporellaceae, Botryosphaeriales), a new species isolated from Ginkgo biloba in China
Du Z, Fan XL, Yang Q, Hyde KD, Tian CM
Mycosphere 8(2) 1246–1252
42. Reaction of some apple cultivars to Diplodia bulgarica in Iran
Hanifeh S, Zafari D and Soleimani MJ
Mycosphere 8(2), 1253–1260
43. Molecular characterization and pathogenicity of Diplodia corticola and other Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with canker and dieback of Quercus suber in Algeria
Smahi H, Belhoucine-Guezouli L, Berraf-Tebbal A, Chouih S, Arkam M, Franceschini A, Linaldeddu BT, Phillips AJL
Mycosphere 8(2), 1261–1272
44. Two new endophytic species of Phyllosticta (Phyllostictaceae, Botryosphaeriales) from Southern China
Lin S, Sun X, He W, Zhang Y
Mycosphere 8(2), 1273–1288
Issue 3 (SI Biotechnology)- closed
45. Editorial - Biotechnology special issue
Gupta V
46. Mycosphere Essay 17 Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and drought tolerance in crop plants.
Mathimaran N, Mahaveer P Sharma, Mohan Raju B, Bagyaraj DJ
Mycosphere 8(3) 361–376
47. Pathogenicity and cytological examination of adapted and non-adapted Bipolaris species on resistant and susceptible cultivars of rice and corn
Amorio DJH, Cumagun CJR
Mycosphere 8(3) 377–391
48. Cellulose-degrading enzyme production by Clonostachys byssicola: Partial purification and characterization of an endoglucanase
Sciuto DL, Almeida RM, Miller RNG, Moreira LRS, Filho EXF
Mycosphere 8(3) 415–431
49. Impact of xylanase expression-inducing compounds on DNA accessibility in Trichoderma reesei.
Rassinger A, Mello-de-Sousa TM, Regnat K, Derntl C, Mach RL, Mach-Aigner
Mycosphere 8(3) 432–444
50. Mycosphere Essay 18: Biotechnological Advances of Beneficial Fungi For Plants.
Kumar P, Pagano M, O’Donovan A.
Mycosphere 8(3) 445–455
51. Industrial an environmental applications of white-rot fungi.
Rodríguez-Couto S
Mycosphere 8(3) 456–466
52. Biological management of fusarium wilt of tomato using biofortified vermicompost
Basco MJ, Bisen K, Keswani C, Singh HB
Mycosphere 8(3) 467–483
53. Enriched cultivation of Lentinus squarrosulus (Mont.) Singer: A newly domesticated wild edible mushroom in the Philippines
De Leon AM, Guinto LJZG, De Ramos PDV, Kalaw SP
Mycosphere 8(4) 615–629
54. A new species of Bertiella (Melanommataceae) from Brazil and a key to accepted species
Almeida DAC, Gusmão LFP, Miller AN
Mycosphere 8(4) 392–396
55. A family level rDNA based phylogeny of Cucurbitariaceae and Fenestellaceae with descriptions of new Fenestella species and Neocucurbitaria gen. nov.
Wanasinghe DN, Phookamsak R, Jeewon R, Wen Jing Li, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Camporesi E, Promputtha I.
Mycosphere 8(4) 397–414
56. Magnicamarosporium diospyricola sp. nov. (Sulcatisporaceae) from Thailand
Phukhamsakda C, Bhat DJ, Hongsanan S, Tibpromma S, Yang JB, Promputtha I
Mycosphere 8(4) 512–520
57. Fungi from Asian Karst formations II. Two new species of Occultibambusa (Occultibambusaceae, Dothideomycetes) from karst landforms of China
Zhang JF, Liu JK, Hyde KD, Yang W, Liu ZY
Mycosphere 8(3) 550–559
58. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Quercus dentata in a coastal broadleaf forest
Arai H, Tamai Y, Yajima T, Obase K, Miyamoto T
Mycosphere 8(4) 561–567
59. Muscodor camphora, a new endophytic species from Cinnamomum camphora
Meshram V, Kapoor N, Chopra G, Saxena
Mycosphere 8(4) 568–582
60. New record of Trichoglossum rasum from Asia
Prabhugaonkar A, Pratibha J
Mycosphere 8(4) 583–591
61. In-vitro antioxidant activity and nutritional value of four wild oyster mushroom collected from North-Eastern Part of Uttar Pradesh
Vishwakarma P, Singh P, Tripathi NN
Mycosphere 8(4) 592–602
62. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Sparticola muriformis sp. nov. on decaying grass
Karunarathna A, Phookamsak R, Wanasinghe DN, Wijayawardene NN, Weerahewa HLD, Khan S, Wang Y
Mycosphere 8(4) 603–614
63. Distribution and national conservation status of the lichen family Lobariaceae (Peltigerales): from subtropical luxuriant forests to the alpine scrub of Nepal Himalaya
Devkota S, Keller C, Olley L, Werth S, Chaudhary RP, Scheidegger C
Mycosphere 8(4) 630–648
64. Morphological properties and levels of extracellular peroxidase activity and light emission of the basidiomycete Armillaria borealis treated with β-glucosidase and chitinase
Mogilnaya OA, Ronzhin NO, Artemenko KS, Bondar VS
Mycosphere 8(4) 649–659
65. A preliminary checklist of Ascomycetous microfungi from Southern Uzbekistan
Gafforov YS
Mycosphere 8(4) 660–696
66. Mycosphere notes 1-50: Grass (Poaceae) inhabiting Dothideomycetes
Thambugala KM, Wanasinghe DN, Phillips AJL, Camporesi E, Bulgakov TS, Phukhamsakda C, Ariyawansa HA, Goonasekara ID, Phookamsak R, Dissanayake A, Tennakoon DS, Tibpromma S, Chen YY, Liu ZY, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(4) 697–796
67. Diaporthe species on Rosaceae with descriptions of D. pyracanthae sp. nov. and D. malorum sp. nov.
Santos L, Phillips AJL, Crous P, Alves A
Mycosphere 8(5) 485–511
68. Diaporthe species associated with peach tree dieback in Hubei, China
Dissanayake AJ, Zhang W, Liu M, Hyde KD, Zhao W, Li XH, Yan JY
Mycosphere 8(5) 533–549
69. Diaporthe juglandicola sp. nov. (Diaporthales, Ascomycetes), evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis
Yang Q, Fan XL, Du Z, Tian CM
Mycosphere 8(5) 817–826
70. Molecular phylogenetic analysis reveals seven new Diaporthe species from Italy
Dissanayake AJ, Camporesi E, Hyde KD, Zhang Wei, Yan JY, Li XH
Mycosphere 8(5) 853–877
71. The current status of species in Diaporthe
Dissanayake AJ, Phillips AJL, Hyde KD, Yan JY, Li XH
Mycosphere 8(5) 1106–1156
72. Diaporthe toxicodendri sp. nov., a causal fungus of the canker disease on Toxicodendron vernicifluum in Japan
Ando Y, Masuya H, Aikawa T, Ichihara Y, Tabata M
Mycosphere 8(5), 1157–1168
Issue 6 (SI Tropical Wood Degrading Fungi)-closed
73. Editorial – New taxa of wood-inhabiting fungi from the tropics
Yu-Cheng Dai
74. Porodaedalea chinensis (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota) — a new polypore from China
Dai SJ, Vlasák J, Tomšovský M, Wu F
Mycosphere 8(7) 986–993
75. Kavinia chacoserrana sp. nov. (Gomphales, Basidiomycota): a new species from South America based on morphological and molecular data
Robledo GL, Urcelay C
Mycosphere 8(2) 1028–1034
76. A new Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) with brown subicular hyphae from Thailand
Sádlíková M, Kout J
Mycosphere 8(8) 1124–1130
77. A new species of Neomensularia (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from China
Ji XH, Wu F
Mycosphere 8(6) 1042–1050
78. Amylosporus guaraniticus sp. nov. (Wrightoporiaceae, Russulales) a new neotropical species from Paraguay
Campi M, Maubet Y, Grassi E, Robledo G.
Mycosphere 8(6) 1060–1070
79. Favolus gracilisporus (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota), an East Asian polypore species new to the European mycobiota
Papp V, Dima B
Mycosphere 8(6) 1177–1184
80. Trichaptum (Basidiomycota) in tropical America: a sequence study
Abdel-Sater MA and Soliman Z
Mycosphere 8(6) 1217–1227
81. A new species of Fuscoporia (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from southern China
Chen Q, Yuan Y
Mycosphere 8(6) 1238–1245
82. A new species in the Skeletocutis subincarnata complex (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from southwestern China
Fan LF, Ji XH, Si J
Mycosphere 8(6) 1253–1260
83. Aegis boa (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) a new neotropical genus and species based on morphological data and phylogenetic evidences
Gómez-Montoya N, Rajchenberg M and Robledo GL
Mycosphere 8(6), 1261–1269
84. Two new species of aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) from southern China.
Huang FC, Liu B, Wu H, Shao YY, Qin PS, Li JF
Mycosphere 8(6), 1270–1282
85. A new species of Conidiobolus with chlamydospores from Dabie Mountains, Eastern China
Nie Y, Tang XX, Liu XY, Huang B
Mycosphere 8(4) 809–816
86. Sarocladium brachiariae sp. nov., an endophytic fungus isolated from Brachiaria brizantha
Liu XB, Guo ZK, Huang GX
Mycosphere 8(4) 827–834
87. Further characterization and pathogenicity of Didymella microchlamydospora causing stem necrosis of Morus nigra in Iran
Ahmadpour SA, Farokhinejad R, Mehrabi-Koushki M
Mycosphere 8(5) 835–852
88. A new species of Antrodia (Basidiomycota, Polypores) from China
Chen YY, Wu F
Mycosphere 8(7) 878–885
89. Effects of additives and bioreactors on cordycepin production from Cordyceps militaris in liquid static culture
Wen TC, Long FY, Kang C, Wang F, Zeng W
Mycosphere 8(7) 886–898
90. Genetic variability in Setchelliogaster tenuipes (Setch.) Pouzar based on DNA barcoding ITS
Sulzbacher MA, Bevilacqua CB, Baldoni DB, Jacques RJS, Antoniolli ZI et al.
Mycosphere 8(7) 899–907
91. A new species and a new combination of Aleurodiscus s.l. (Russulales, Basidiomycota)
Dai LD, He SH.
Mycosphere 8(7) 908–916
92. Phylogenetic investigations on freshwater fungi in Tubeufiaceae (Tubeufiales) reveals the new genus Dictyospora and new species Chlamydotubeufia aquatica and Helicosporium flavum
Brahmanage RS, Lu YZ, Bhat DJ, Wanasinghe DN, Yan JY, Hyde KD, Boonmee S
Mycosphere 8(7) 917–933
93. Mycosphere Essays 19: Recent advances and future challenges in taxonomy of coelomycetous fungi
Wijayawardene NN, Papizadeh M, Phillips AJL, Wanasinghe DN, Bhat DJ, Weerahewa HLD, Shenoy BD, Wang Y, Huang YQ
Mycosphere 8(7) 934–950
94. Mycorrhizal fungi status in organic farms of south Florida
Toprak B, Soti P, Jovel E, Alverado L, Jayachandran K
Mycosphere 8(7) 951–958
95. Phytophthora elongata (Peronosporaceae) is present as an estuarine species in Philippine mangroves
Bennett RM, Dedeles GR, Thines M
Mycosphere 8(7) 959–967
96. Study of the biological activities of Physarum polycephalum and Physarella oblonga plasmodial extracts
Nguyen TN Nguyen, Tuyen TM Huynh, Steven L Stephenson, Hanh TM Tran
Mycosphere 8(7) 968–976
97. The type species of Tetrapyrgos and Campanella (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) are redescribed and epitypified
Desjardin DE, Perry BA, Shay JE, Newman DS, Randrianjohany E
Mycosphere 8(7) 977–985
98. Comparison of antibacterial and antibiofilm activity properties of Hypogymnia tubulosa (Schaer.) Hav. lichen extracts from different locations in Turkey
Özyiğitoğlu G, Açıkgöz B, Tahiroğlu G, Sesal NC
Mycosphere 8(7) 994–1002
99. Epiphyllous fungi from Miocene deposits of the Bełchatów Lignite Mine (Central Poland)
Worobiec G, Worobiec E
Mycosphere 8(8) 1003–1013
100. Nutritional and nutraceutical characterization of three wild edible mushrooms from Haryana, India
Mridu, Atri NS
Mycosphere 8(2) 1035–1043
101. Taxonomy of the south Brazilian species of Protostropharia (Strophariaceae, Agaricales)
Seger C, Gallego JC, Takiuchi E and Cortez VG
Mycosphere 8(8) 1044–1053
102. Tar spot fungi from Thailand
Tamakaew N, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Cheewangkoon R.
Mycosphere 8(8) 1054–1058
103. Russula brunneopurpurea sp. nov. and its ectomycorrhiza from Pakistan
Jabeen S, Niazi AR, Khalid AN
Mycosphere 8(8) 1059–1069
104. Xylaria spinulosa sp. nov. and X. atrosphaerica from southern China
Li QR, Liu LL, Zhang X, Shen XC, Kang JC
Mycosphere 8(8) 1070–1079
105. Taxonomy and multigene phylogenetic evaluation of novel species in Boeremia and Epicoccum with new records of Ascochyta and Didymella (Didymellaceae)
Jayasiri SC, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Jeewon R, Ariyawansa HA, Bhat JD, Camporesi E, Kang JC
Mycosphere 8(8) 1080–1101
106. A new species of Perenniporia (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Thailand
Ji XH, Thawthong A, Wu F
Mycosphere 8(8) 1102–1107
107. Antibacterial activity, optimal culture conditions and cultivation of the medicinal Ganoderma australe, new to Thailand
Luangharn T, Karunarathna SC, Khan S, Xu JC, Mortimer PE, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(8) 1108–1123
108. Comparative studies on glucanases and β-glucosidase activities of Pleurotus ostreatus and P. pulmonarius in solid state fermentation
Ekundayo FO, Ekundayo EA, Ayodele BB
Mycosphere 8(8) 1051–1059
109. Biodegradative activities of fungal isolates from plastic contaminated soils
El-Morsy EM, Hassan HM, Ahmed E
Mycosphere 8(8) 1071–1087
110. New Cylindrocladiella spp. from Thailand soils
Lombard L, Cheewangkoon R, Crous PW
Mycosphere 8(8) 1088–1104
111. Natural products of Nothophoma multilocularis sp. nov. an endophyte of the medicinal plant Rhazya stricta
Abdel-Wahab FA, Bahkai AHA, El-Gorban AM, Hodhod MS
Mycosphere 8(8) 1185–1200
112. Comparative studies on glucanases and β-glucosidase activities of Pleurotus ostreatus and P. pulmonarius in solid state fermentation
Ekundayo FO, Ekundayo EA, Ayodele BB
Mycosphere 8(8) 1201–1209
113. Chrysosporium leigongshanense sp. nov. from Guizhou Province, China
Li Z, Zeng GP, Ren J, Zou X, Han YF
Mycosphere 8(8) 1210–1216
114. Triadelphia moubasheri sp. nov., from the gut of red palm weevils, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier
Abdel-Sater MA and Soliman Z
Mycosphere 8(8) 1228–1237
Issue 9 (September/October)-closed
115. The zombie ants parasitized by the fungi Ophiocordyceps camponotiatricipis (Hypocreales: Ophiocordycipitaceae): new occurrence and natural history
Sobczak JF, Costa LFA, Carvalho JLVR, Salgado-Neto G, Moura-Sobczak JCMS, Messas YF
Mycosphere 8(6) 1261–1266
116. Diversity and community composition of aquatic ascomycetes varies between freshwater, estuarine and marine habitats in western Scotland
Friggens NL, Taylor JE, Koukol O
Mycosphere 8(6) 1267–1287
117. Functional variability of macrofungal populations in four different forest types of Costa Rica
Rojas C, Valverde R, Morales R
Mycosphere 8(6) 1288–1296
118. Yeasts and filamentous fungi inhabiting guts of three insect species in Assiut, Egypt
Moubasher AH, Abdel-Sater MA, Zeinab Soliman
Mycosphere 8(9) 1297–1316
119. The gymnopoid fungi (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) from the Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe, West Africa.
Desjardin DE, Perry BA
Mycosphere 8(9) 1317–1391
120. Towards a natural classification of Amplistromataceae
Daranagama DA, Tian Q, Liu XZ, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 8(9) 1392–1402
121. Powdery mildew species on papaya – a story of confusion and hidden diversity
Braun U, Meeboon J, Takamatsu S, Blomquist C, Fernández Pavía SP, Rooney-Latham S, Macedo DM
Mycosphere 8(9), 1403–1423
122. Mycosphere Essay 19. Cordyceps species parasitizing hymenopteran and hemipteran insects
Shrestha B, Tanaka E, Hyun MW, Han JG , Kim CS , Jo JW , Han SK , Oh J, Sung JM, Sung GH
Mycosphere 8(9), 1424–1442
123. Neotubeufia gen. nov. and Tubeufia guangxiensis sp. nov. (Tubeufiaceae) from freshwater habitats
Chaiwan N, Lu YZ,5, Tibpromma S, Bhat DJ, Hyde KD, Boonmee S
Mycosphere 8(9), 1443–1456
124. Towards incorporating asexual fungi in a natural classification: checklist and notes 2012–2016
Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD, Tibpromma S, Wanasinghe DN, Thambugala KM, Tian Q, Wang Y, Fu L
Mycosphere 8(9), 1457–1555
125. New species and records of Bipolaris and Curvularia from Thailand
Marin-Felix Y, Senwanna C, Cheewangkoon R and Crous PW
Mycosphere 8(9), 1556–1574
126. Dendryphiella fasciculata sp. nov. and notes on other Dendryphiella species
Liu NG, Hongsanan S, Yang J, Lin CG, Bhat DJ, Liu JK, Jumpathong J, Boonmee S, Hyde KD and Liu ZY
Mycosphere 8(9), 1575–1586