Recent Papers
Volume 15 - 2024 Issue 1
15. Exploring the taxonomy and phylogeny of Sordariomycetes taxa emphasizing Xylariomycetidae in Southwestern China
Dissanayake LS et al. (2024)
14. Resolving the polyphyletic origins of Pholiotina s.l. (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricales) based on Chinese materials and reliable foreign sequences
Song HB, Bau T (2024)
13. Notes on all Genera of Omphalotaceae: Expanding the Taxonomic Spectrum in China and Revisiting Historical Type Specimens
Li JP et al. (2024)
12. Multi–gene phylogeny and taxonomy of Physisporinus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota)
Wang CG et al. (2024)
11. Mycosphere Notes 469-520
Hyde KD et al. (2024)
10. Species diversity, taxonomy, molecular systematics and divergence time of wood-inhabiting fungi in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Asia
Dong JH et al. (2024)
9. A yeast love triangle: multiple hybridizations shape genome evolution in the Pichia cactophila species complex
Mixão V et al. (2024)
8. Saprobic ascomycetes associated with woody litter from the Greater Mekong Subregion (Southwestern China and Northern Thailand)
Ren GC et al. (2024)
7. Polyphasic taxonomy clarifies the relationships between Butyriboletus and Exsudoporus, and new taxa and reports of Boletaceae from China
Wang Y et al. (2024)
6. Hyperdiverse Rhytismatales on twigs of Rhododendron spp.
Guo MJ et al. (2024)
Volume 4 - 2013 - Issue 5
1. Myxomycetes of Maharashtra: two new species of Diderma Pers
Authors: Mishra RL, Phate PV, Ranade VD
Recieved: 02 August 2013, Accepted: 21 August 2013, Published: 31 December 1969
The present paper provides the description and illustrations of two new species of Diderma (D. non-columellata sp. nov. and D. physarinum sp. nov.) that are characterized by the absence of columella in the first instance and the presence of a large columella bearing a number of peg-like protuberances running through the sporangial cavity up to the peridium in the second instance. The latter condition is similar to what is found in the genus Physarina respectively.
Keywords: columella – peg like protuberances – peridium – Physarina
2. Two new species of Agarics from India
Authors: Kaur NJ, Saini MK, Kaur H
Recieved: 28 June 2013, Accepted: 22 August 2013, Published: 03 September 2013
Two new species belonging to genus Lepiota i.e. Lepiota punjabensis sp. nov. and genus Volvariella i.e. Volvariella indica sp. nov. have been taxonomically described and illustrated for the first time from India and reported as new to Science.
Keywords: India – Lepiota – light spored agarics – taxonomy – Volvariella
3. Sixty-one macrofungi species new to Hungary in Őrség National Park
Authors: Siller I, Kutszegi G, Takács K, Varga T, Merényi Zs, Turcsányi G, Ódor P, Dima B
Recieved: 05 August 2013, Accepted: 22 August 2013, Published: 07 September 2013
In this paper, an annotated checklist of macrofungi from Őrség National Park, West Hungary, is provided. A total of 726 macrofungi taxa representing 214 genera, 84 classes and 2 phyla (Asco- and Basidiomycota) were revealed. Sixty-one macrofungi species were new to the mycobiota of Hungary. Sporocarps were collected three times (in May, August and September–October) between 2009 and 2010 in 35 (40 m × 40 m) forest stands with different tree species compositions. Preferred tree species compositions and substrata of registered macrofungi are also listed.
Keywords: Ascomycota – Basidiomycota – checklist – fungal diversity – mycobiota – Őrs-erdő Project
4. Pronectria rhizocarpicola, a new lichenicolous fungus from Switzerland
Authors: Brackel WV
Recieved: 19 July 2013, Accepted: 30 July 2013, Published: 10 September 2013
Pronectria rhizocarpicola, a new species of Bionectriaceae is described and illustrated. It is growing parasitically on Rhizocarpon geographicum in the Swiss Alps.
Keywords: Ascomycota – bionectriaceae – hypocreales
5. A new section and two new species of Mycena
Authors: Aravindakshan DM, Manimohan P
Recieved: 02 July 2013, Accepted: 08 September 2013, Published: 17 September 2013
A new section, sect. Spinosae, is proposed for species of the agaric genus Mycena that have both thin-walled pileocystidia and diverticulate hyphae on the pileipellis. Two new species, Mycena mridula and M. rasada, are proposed in the new section and five other species of Mycena, currently assigned to other sections, are considered as belonging to it. A key is provided for all species included in the proposed section.
Keywords: Agaricales – Basidiomycota – biodiversity – Mycenaceae – taxonomy
6. New records of Pluteus (Agaricales) from Paraná State, Brazil
Authors: Dias RL, Cortez VG
Recieved: 07 June 2013, Accepted: 08 September 2013, Published: 21 September 2013
In a survey of the agarics from the western region of Paraná State, south Brazil, three new records are presented: Pluteus argentinensis is a new record from Brazil, while P. cervinus and P. globiger are new records from the State of Paraná. Descriptions and photos of both macro- and microscopic features are given, with a brief discussion on their taxonomy and distribution.
Keywords: agaricoid fungi – mycobiota – Neotropical – pluteoid clade – taxonomy
7. Notes on the genus Buchwaldoboletus in Galicia and North of Portugal (II).Buchwaldoboletus pontevedrensis, sp. nov.
Authors: Blanco-Dios JB
Recieved: 01 May 2013, Accepted: 10 September 2013, Published: 21 September 2013
Buchwaldoboletus pontevedrensis, found in Galicia (NW of Spain), is described as a new species based on morphological data. Morphological description, drawings of microscopic characters and color pictures of the basidiomata are presented. A discussion about other close taxa is also outlined.
Keywords: Basidiomycota – Boletales – Buchwaldoboletus – Spain – taxonomy
8. Plant signalling and the role played by photosynthates in mycorrhizal recruitment
Authors: Thomas PW, Jones CL
Recieved: 22 August 2013, Accepted: 10 September 2013, Published: 27 September 2013
Previous research into the recruitment and regulation of ectomycorrhizal partnerships have found both secondary compounds such as IAA and hypaphorine and the physical limitation of nutrient exchange to play important roles. In this study, Quercus robur seedlings displaying a normalized growth pattern and mutant individuals lacking photosynthetic apparatus were inoculated with a sporal treatment of Tuber aestivum in order to elucidate a role for photosyntheticly induced signals in mycorrhizal recruitment. We found that Quercus robur that lacked an above-ground stem system and therefore the apparatus for photosynthesis recruited no Tuber aestivum, while those with a stem complex showed normal-high mycorrhizal recruitment therefore leading to the conclusion that photosynthates and photosynthetically induced signalling compounds such as phytohormones play an important role within the initial recruitment of mycorrhiza to plants.
Keywords: ectomycorrhiza – hypaphorine –IAA – mutualism – Photosynthates – Quercus robur – Tuber aestivum syn – uncinatum
9. Determination of heavy metals in Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom) and Termitomyces clypeatus (Termite mushroom) sold on selected markets in Accra, Ghana
Authors: Quarcoo A, Adotey G
Recieved: 01 August 2013, Accepted: 29 August 2013, Published: 30 September 2013
This study was conducted to determine the presence and concentration of heavy metals Cd, Fe, Pb, As, and Hg in Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom), and Termitomyces clypeatus (termite mushroom) from markets in Greater Accra region (Kaneshie market, Madina market and Makola market), Ghana by using VARIAN AA240 FS- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The levels of heavy metals in the P.ostreatus, and T.clypeatus ranges from 0.35 to 0.57mg/kg for Cd, 43.77 to 65.19 mg/kg for Fe, 0.04 to 0.23mg/kg for Pb, 0.04 to 0.10mg/kg for As and 0.04 to 0.04mg/kg for Hg. T.clypeatus was observed to have the highest concentration of all the heavy metals. While cadmium and mercury were above the recommended limits set by organizations like the European Commission and the WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Food Additives, none of the values obtained here are considered health risks because of the large amounts of these mushrooms that must be consumed for heavy metal toxicity to kick in.
Keywords: atomic absorption – spectroscopy – heavy metals – mushrooms – Pleurotus ostreatus – Termitomyces clypeatus
10. The international conservation importance of Welsh 'waxcap' grasslands
Authors: Griffith GW, Gamarra JGP, Holden EM, Mitchel D, Graham A, Evans DA, Evans SE, Aron C, Noordeloos ME, Kirk PM, Smith SLN, Woods RG, Hale AD, Easton GL, Ratkowsky DA, Stevens DP, Halbwachs H
Recieved: 05 August 2013, Accepted: 30 August 2013, Published: 07 October 2013
The large decline in plant and animal diversity of semi-natural grasslands resulting from the introduction of modern agricultural practices in the 1940’s has been well documented and such changes are also suspected of causing the decline in the abundance and diversity of macrofungi in these habitats. We conducted repeated surveys at 48 selected grassland sites around Wales to record the presence and abundance of fruitbodies (FBs) of grassland macrofungi belonging to the taxa Clavariaceae, Hygrocybe, Entoloma, Geoglossaceae, Dermoloma (also Porpoloma and Camarophyllopsis spp.) which are grouped collectively as “CHEGD” fungi (acronym of group names) and considered typical of nutrient poor ‘waxcap’ grasslands. A total of 111 CHEGD species (of the ca. 200 species previously found in UK/Ireland) were recorded. That these included one species unknown to science, 14 new to Wales including two new to the UK attests to the extent of past under-recording. Phenological differences in fruiting were found between Entoloma and Hygrocybe spp., and patterns of occurrence at the sites correlated well with numbers of records from the Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland. The recent post-glacial history and high human population densities have generally resulted in lower levels of biological diversity in north-western Europe than in other parts of the world. Compared with current data from other European countries and globally, Welsh grasslands host particularly diverse macrofungal communities, yet the organisms continue to attract little attention from mainstream conservation bodies, whilst much conservation effort is lavished on species which are relatively common elsewhere.
Keywords: EU habitats directive – macrofungal diversity – red data list – species richness – UK biodiversity action plan (BAP)
11. A new non-isidiate Leptogium species with transverse septate ascospores from Southeastern Brazil
Authors: Kitaura MJ, Marcelli MP, Hora BR, Jungbluth P
Recieved: 28 June 2013, Accepted: 12 September 2013, Published: 08 October 2013
A non-isidiate Leptogium species with transverse septate ascospores is described as new. The species was collected in Serra da Mantiqueira and initially identified as L. megapotamicum, but the study of the type specimen demonstrated differences in the tissues of the apothecia, which supported the observed morphological variations of the thalli and apothecia found by our descriptive protocol.
Keywords: amphithecia – columnar hyphae – section Leptogiopsis – subhymenial tissue
12. Update on the distribution of Phallus drewesii (Phallales, Basidiomycota): new record from Asia
Authors: Trierveiler-Pereira L, Thao NP
Recieved: 20 September 2013, Accepted: 04 October 2013, Published: 14 October 2013
This paper reports a new record from Asia of Phallus drewesii, a phalloid species previously only known from the African Island of São Tomé(Atlantic Ocean). A description and color photographs are provided based upon the Vietnamese specimens. Differences from similar species are briefly discussed.
Keywords: Gasteromycetes – Paleotropical mycota – Phallaceae – stinkhorns.
13. Neocosmospora vasinfecta (Nectriaceae) a new record as a fimicolous Ascomycota from Brazil
Authors: Calaça FJS, Silva NC, Hirooka Y, Xavier-Santos S
Recieved: 04 October 2013, Accepted: 07 October 2013, Published: 16 October 2013
Neocosmospora vasinfecta (Ascomycota, Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) was found on feces of brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) collected in the Zoo Foundation of Brasília, Brasília, Federal District(DF), Brazil, after the feces were maintained in moist chambers. This is the first report to observe the fungus from feces of brocket deer and also the first record in center-west region of Brazil. Description and illustration of the fungus are presented in this study.
Keywords: brocket deer – coprophilous fungi – decomposition – feces – moist chambers
14. Two species of Strobilomyces from Jammu and Kashmir, India
Authors: Kour H, Kumar S, Sharma YP
Recieved: 16 May 2013, Accepted: 31 December 1969, Published: 16 October 2013
During the systematic survey for the exploration of larger fungi of Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir during the year 2011-2012 two species of Strobilomyces viz., S. echinocephalus and S. mollis were identified. Of these, S. echinocephalus Gelardi and Vizzini is new to India while S. mollis Corner is the first authentic record from the state. A key to the known species of Strobilomyces from India is also given.
Keywords: Boletaceae – diversity – new record – Poonch – taxonomy
15. Indonesian oleaginous yeasts isolated from Piper betle and P. nigrum
Authors: Kanti A, Sukara E, Kadarusman L, Sukarno N, Boundy-Mills K
Recieved: 01 July 2013, Accepted: 06 October 2013, Published: 23 October 2013
In this study, 71 strains of yeast were isolated from Piper betle and P. nigrum. Isolates were identified using sequence analysis of the D1/D2 region of large 26S ribosomal subunit rDNA. They belong to 25 species in 11 genera. Strains Cryptococcus luteolus InaCC Y-265, Candida orthopsilosis InaCC Y-302, and Candida oleophila InaCC Y-306 could accumulate more than 40% of lipid per g of cell biomass on a dry weight basis. The fatty acids observed were primarily palmitic acid (C18:1), palmitoleic acid (C16:1), stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:1) and linolenic acid (C18:2). The fatty acid profiles suggest that these yeasts may be good candidates for biodiesel production, as they are similar to the fatty acids of plant oils currently used for biodiesel.
Keywords: Candida orthopsilosis – Candida oleophila– Cryptococcus luteolus–fatty acid