Volume 3 - 2012 - Issue 6

1. Lichen flora of Pichavaram and Muthupet mangroves (Southeast coast of India)

Authors: Logesh AR, Upreti DK, Kalaiselvam M, Nayaka S, Kathiresan K

Recieved: 18 October 2012, Accepted: 23 October 2012, Published: 05 November 2012

An enumeration of 21 species belonging to 14 genera and 10 families of lichens are provided from Pichavaram and Muthupet mangroves of Tamil Nadu State.

Keywords: lichenized ascomata – lichen taxonomy – mangroves of Tamil Nadu – Muthupet Lagoon


2. A new species of Corynespora causing foliar disease on Ficus religiosa from forest of Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh, India

Authors: Singh A, Kumar S, Singh R, Dubey NK

Recieved: 17 October 2012, Accepted: 23 October 2012, Published: 05 November 2012

A new species of Corynespora is described, illustrated and compared to similar species. C. ficigena sp. nov. was collected on Ficus religiosa (Moraceae) from forest flora of Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Keywords: Corynespora – Foliicolous hyphomycete – Fungi – Morphotaxonomy – New species


3. Type study of Calvatia lachnoderma from Brazil

Authors: Cortez VG, Alves CR

Recieved: 09 October 2012, Accepted: 10 October 2012, Published: 09 November 2012

Calvatia lachnoderma was described by Patouillard in 1907 based on material collected by P.F. Noack, in the State of São Paulo, southeast Brazil. The species was not considered in accounts of gasteroid fungi from Brazil, nor in recent monographs on the genus. We examined type material from Farlow Herbarium and concluded that it is a good species in the genus, based mostly on peridium texture, basidiospore size/shape and ornamentation under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The holotype is the only available material. A description of the microscopic features is provided, as well as SEM analysis of the basidiospores and brief taxonomic discussion.

Keywords: Agaricomycetidae – gasteromycetes – puffball – taxonomy


4. Biodiversity of laccase producing fungi in Egypt

Authors: Abdel-Azeem AM, Salem Fatma M

Recieved: 08 September 2012, Accepted: 30 October 2012, Published: 15 November 2012

Laccase enzyme (EC is a benzenediol, a multi-copper enzyme, and one of the three main ligninases that differs from the others in its ability to catalyze the oxidation of lignin components. It is widely distributed in fungi and because of its importance in bioremediation; the search for fungal laccases with different properties and potential applications is still on-going. In view of its importance in large scale application, the present endeavor is to search for highly efficient laccase producing fungi from different environmental habitats in Egypt. Cultural conditions such as temperatures, pH, carbon sources and nitrogen sources were optimized for the production of high extracellular laccase activity. By screening sources under investigation namely: soil, wood, seaweeds, sponge, ascidia, drifted decaying wood, plants and miscellaneous materials it was possible to encounter as many as 60 species belonging to 33 genera. Zygomycota represented by six species (10.16% of the total species number), teleomorphic Ascomycota (9 species, 15.25%), anamorphic Ascomycota (44 species, 74.57%) and Basidiomycota (1 species, 1.69%). Soil showed the highest Simpson’s species diversity index of 0.83 while contaminated wax samples and Adiantum capillus-veneris showed the lowest value (0). All isolated taxa were tested for laccase production using a qualitative plate assay method by using guaiacol as color indicator. Sixteen isolates showed positive reaction indicating a lignin-degrading potentiality and out of them eight measured the highest zone diameter with high oxidation scale. The most promising taxa were endophytic namely: Chaetomium globosum, Phoma exigua, Thanatephorus cucumeris and Sordaria fimicola. pH 7, incubation temperature 30oC, 1% maltose and 0.3% peptone supported the highest biomass and laccase production for Chaetomium globosum.

Keywords: ascidia – Chaetomium globosum – entophyte – seaweeds – sponge – wood


5. A new species of Ardhachandra (hyphomycetes) from Vietnam

Authors: Mel’nik VA

Recieved: 02 November 2012, Accepted: 05 November 2012, Published: 19 November 2012

A collection of a fungus belonging to the hyphomycete genus Ardhachandra was found on leaf litter of an unidentified broad-leaved tree in Vietnam and proved to be a new species, which is described as A. vietnamensis, illustrated and compared with allied species in the present paper.

Keywords: Ascomycota – anamorphic fungi – new taxon – Southeast Asia


6. Optimal growth conditions for basidiospore germination and morphogenesis of Philippine wild strain of Lentinus tigrinus (Bull.) Fr

Authors: Dulay RMR, Cabrera EC, Kalaw SP, Reyes RG

Recieved: 04 September 2012, Accepted: 08 November 2012, Published: 19 November 2012

Lentinus tigrinus is a basidiomycetous fungus that is usually found growing in clusters on fallen logs of the forest. This mushroom is considered as the local counterpart of shiitake (L. edodes), since it is endemically growing in the tropical countries such as the Philippines. In our intention to develop production technology for this mushroom, we determined the influence of nutritional (local culture media) and physical (pH, aeration, illumination and temperature) factors for basidiospore germination and morphogenesis of wild strain of L. tigrinus. Basidiospores of L. tigrinus germinated efficiently in a submerged culture with potato sucrose broth (pH 7.5) incubated in a lighted air-conditioned room (23˚C) with a mean of 91.33% after 10h of incubation. A peculiar type of germination process was evident as the spore coat was retained, elongated and eventually became part of the hypha. A sequence of significant developmental stages; mycelial coat thickening, swelling formation, browning and primordial initiation arises prior to basidiomata maturation and basidiospores liberation. L. tigrinus is a further addition to the list of Philippine wild edible mushrooms with great potential for cultivation.

Keywords: basidiospores – Lentinus tigrinus – morphogenesis – nutritional requirement


7. A new variety of Volvariella pusilla from West Bengal, India

Authors: Acharya K, Dutta AK, Pradhan P

Recieved: 30 October 2012, Accepted: 05 November 2012, Published: 23 November 2012

Volvariella pusilla var. minuta, a member of Pluteaceae was discovered from Santoshpur, a small locality of Kolkata, West Bengal, India. A comprehensive description, illustration, photographs and comparisons with phonetically similar taxa are provided.

Keywords: Agaricales – basidiocarp – Pluteaceae– taxonomy


8. Myxomycetes of Stewart Island, New Zealand

Authors: Stephenson SL, Stephenson BC, Stephenson RJ

Recieved: 25 October 2012, Accepted: 30 October 2012, Published: 23 November 2012

Records of myxomycetes obtained as a result of field surveys carried out on Stewart Island in February and April of 1998 were supplemented with records of species appearing in moist chamber culture on samples of various types of dead plant material collected during the field surveys and a small set of samples collected in 2006. In addition, previously published records and all known herbarium records of these organisms were compiled in an effort to produce a comprehensive checklist of the myxomycetes for this region of New Zealand. The assemblage of 51 species reported from Stewart Island is more diverse than that of any of the subantarctic islands or island groups (Macquarie, Campbell, Auckland and Snares) but is much less diverse than mainland New Zealand.

Keywords: ecology – island biogeography – slime molds


9. Some interesting lepiotoid mushrooms from North India

Authors: Kumari B, Atri NS, Kaur M

Recieved: 24 October 2012, Accepted: 29 October 2012, Published: 28 November 2012

Three lepiotoid mushrooms namely, Lepiota roseifolia, L. plumbicolor and L. atrodisca collected from different localities of North India are described and illustrated. All are new records for India.

Keywords: Agaricaeae – fleshy fungi – India – Lepiotoid mushrooms – Taxonomy


10. Phaeoisaria vietnamensis sp. nov. and P. clematidis (hyphomycetes) from Vietnam

Authors: Mel’nik VA

Recieved: 13 November 2012, Accepted: 14 November 2012, Published: 28 November 2012

Mel’nik VA 2012 – Phaeoisaria vietnamensis sp. nov. and P. clematidis (hyphomycetes) from Vietnam. Mycosphere 3(6), 957–960, Doi 10.5943 /mycosphere/3/6/10

A collection of a synnematous hyphomycete belonging in the genus Phaeoisaria was found on bark of a living unidentified liane in South Vietnam. It is described as a new species, Phaeoisaria vietnamensis, illustrated and compared with allied species. Furthermore, P. clematidis is recorded from two National Nature Parks in South Vietnam on different substrates.

Keywords: anamorphic fungi – Ascomycota –new records – new taxon – Southeast Asia


11. Lepiotoid Agaricaceae (Basidiomycota) from São Camilo State Park, Paraná State, Brazil

Authors: Ferreira AJ, Cortez VG

Recieved: 30 October 2012, Accepted: 14 November 2012, Published: 03 December 2012

A macromycete survey at the São Camilo State Park, a seasonal semideciduous forest fragment in Southern Brazil, State of Paraná, was undertaken. Six lepiotoid fungi were identified: Lepiota elaiophylla, Leucoagaricus lilaceus, L. rubrotinctus, Leucocoprinus cretaceus, Macrolepiota colombiana and Rugosospora pseudorubiginosa. Detailed descriptions and illustrations are presented for all species, as well as a brief discussion on their taxonomy and geographical distribution. Macrolepiota colombiana is reported for the first time in Brazil and Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus is a new record from the State of Paraná.

Keywords: Agaricales – Brazilian mycobiota – new records


12. Studies of coprophilous ascomycetes in Kenya. Podospora species from wildlife dung

Authors: Mungai PG, Chukeatirote E, Njogu JG, Hyde KD

Recieved: 14 November 2012, Accepted: 26 November 2012, Published: 29 December 2012

Moist chamber cultures were made from wildlife dung obtained from national parks in Kenya. Ten dung types produced 28 specimens of Podospora. Five species, Podospora anserina, P. argentinensis, P. australis, P. communis and P. minor are described using their morphological features. Podospora minor seems to be a rare species and is recorded for the first time in Kenya. Podospora communis, P. anserina and P. australis are the most common species on dung types examined.

Keywords: Arnium – biodiversity – conservation – perithecioid – Schizothecium – taxonomy


13. New records of lignicolous fungi deteriorating wood in India

Authors: Nagadesi PK, Arya A

Recieved: 01 November 2012, Accepted: 07 November 2012, Published: 31 December 2012

Wood deteriorating fungi were collected from Ratanmahal Wildlife Sanctuary (RWLS) between October 2006 and January 2011. Aurificaria indica var. leucocephala var. nov, and Microporus affinis var. glabriceps var. nov. are described and four species, Fomitopsis cupreorosea, Ganoderma curtisii, Microporus alboater and Phellinus shaferi are new reports for India. These six taxa are described and illustrated in this paper.

Keywords: Aurificaria indica var. leucocephala – Gujarat – Microporus affinis var glabriceps –Ratanmahal wildlife sanctuary – Wood decay fungi


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Mycosphere publishes reviews, research articles, methodology papers, taxonomic works such as monographs, which are relevant to fungal biology, including lichens. The official journal language is English.

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