Recent Papers
Volume 15 - 2024 Issue 1
30. Identification and characterization of Albonectria, Fusarium, and Neocosmospora species associated with ornamental plants in Southern China
Zhang YX et al. (2024)
29. Lignicolous freshwater fungi from karst landscapes in Yunnan Province, China
Wang WP et al. (2024)
28. Lignicolous freshwater fungi from China Ⅳ: Morphology and phylogeny reveal new species of Pleosporales from plateau lakes in Yunnan Province, China
Shen HW et al. (2024)
27. Unlocking nature’s pharmacy: diversity of medicinal properties and mycochemicals in the family Hymenochaetaceae (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota)
Ghobad-Nejhad M et al.
26. A reappraisal of families within the order Magnaporthales and description of new endophytic taxa associated with Poaceae plants in China
Feng JW et al. (2024)
25. The 2024 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa
Hyde KD et al. (2024)
24. Bambusicolous Fungi from Southwestern China
Yu XD et al. (2024)
23. Oomycetes as biocontrol agents: unveiling their potential and mechanisms in plant disease control
Li Y et al. (2024)
22. The revision of the taxonomic system of Lycoperdaceae
Li JX et al. (2024)
21. Bambusicolous mycopathogens in China with an update on taxonomic diversity, novel species, pathogenicity, and new insights
Yang CL et al. (2024)
Volume 14 - 2023 - Index
1. Endophytic fungi in green manure crops; friends or foe?
Abeywickrama PD, Qian N, Jayawardena RS, Li Y, Zhang W, Guo K, Zhang L, Zhang G, Yan J, Li X, Guo Z, Hyde KD, Peng Y, Zhao W
Mycosphere 14(1), 1–106
2. Morphology and multigene phylogeny reveal ten novel taxa in Ascomycota from terrestrial palm substrates (Arecaceae) in Thailand
Konta S, Tibpromma S, Karunarathna SC, Samarakoon MC, Steven LS, Mapook A, Boonmee S, Senwanna C, Balasuriya A, Eungwanichayapant PD, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 14(1), 107–152
3. Finding correct names for economically important chanterelles (Cantharellus, Hydnaceae, Cantharellales) in southwestern China: a plea for third party annotation of sequences in GenBank
Wang XH, Hofstetter V, Cao SQ, Liu PG, Buyck B
Mycosphere 14(1), 153–194
4. Freshwater fungal biology
Calabon MS, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Bao DF, Bhunjun CS, Phukhamsakda C, Shen HW, Gentekaki E, Al Sharie AH, Barros J, Chandrasiri KSU, Hu DM, Hurdeal VG, Rossi W, Valle LG, Zhang H, Figueroa M,
Raja HA, Seena S, Song HY, Dong W, El-Elimat T, Leonardi M, Li Y,
Li YJ, Luo ZL, Ritter CD, Strongman DB, Wei MJ, Balasuriya A
Mycosphere 14(1), 195–413
5. Phylogenomics and diversification of Sordariomycetes
Chen YP, Su PW, Hyde KD, Maharachchikumbura SSN
Mycosphere 14(1), 414–451
6. An updated taxonomic framework of Hymenochaetales (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota)
Wang XW, Liu SL, Zhou LW
Mycosphere 14(1), 452–496
7. Culturable mycota on bats in central and southern Yunnan Province, China
Liu XF, Tibpromma S, Hughes AC, Chethana KWT, Wijayawardene NN, Dai DQ, Du TY, Elgorban AM, Stephenson SL, Suwannarach N, Xu JC, Lu L, Xu RF, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Zhao CL, Bhat DJ, Sun YM, Karunarathna SC, Mortimer PE
Mycosphere 14(1), 497–662
8. Mycosphere notes 387–412 – novel species of fungal taxa from around the world
Hyde KD, Norphanphoun C, Ma J, Yang HD, Zhang JY, Du TY, Gao Y, Gomes de Farias AR, He SC, He YK, Li CJY, Li JY, Liu XF, Lu L, Su HL, Tang X, Tian XG, Wang SY, Wei DP, Xu RF, Xu RJ, Yang YY, Zhang F, Zhang Q, Bahkali AH, Boonmee S, Chethana KWT, Jayawardena RS, Lu YZ, Karunarathna SC, Tibpromma S, Wang Y, Zhao Q
Mycosphere 14(1), 663–744
9. New taxa of Boletaceae from China
Wu G, Li H-J, Horak E, Wu K, Li G-M, Yang Z-L
Mycosphere 14(1), 745–776
10. New insights into the classification and evolution of Favolaschia (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) and its potential distribution, with descriptions of eight new species
Zhang QY, Liu HG, Papp V, Zhou M, Dai YC, Yuan Y
Mycosphere 14(1), 777–814
11. Updated systematics of Trichaptum s.l. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota)
Zhou M, Dai YC, Vlasák J, Liu HG, Yuan Y
Mycosphere 14(1), 815–917
12. Annotated notes on Diaporthe species
Hongsanan S, Norphanphoun C, Senanayake IC, Jayawardena RS, Manawasinghe IS, Abeywickrama PD, Khuna S, Suwannarach N, Senwanna C, Monkai J, Hyde KD, Gentekaki E, Bhunjun CS
Mycosphere 14(1), 918–1189
13. The relevance of fungi in astrobiology research – Astromycology
Simões MF, Cortesão M, Azua-Bustos A, Bai F-Y, Canini F, Casadevall A, Cassaro A, Cordero RJB, Fairén AG, González-Silva C, Gunde-Cimerman N, Koch S, Liu X-Z, Onofri S, Pacelli C, Selbmann L, Tesei D, Waghmode A, Wang T, Zucconi L, Antunes A
Mycosphere 14(1), 1190–1253
14. Lasiodiplodia: Generic revision by providing molecular markers, geographical distribution and haplotype diversity
Rathnayaka AR, Chethana KWT, Manawasinghe IS, Wijesinghe SN, de Silva NI, Tennakoon DS, Phillips AJL, Liu JK, Jones EBG, Wang Y, Hyde KD
Mycosphere 14(1), 1254–1339
15. Diversity of fungal communities associated with grapevine trunk diseases in China
Zhou YY, Zhang W, Wu LN, Zhang J, Tan HY, Chethana KWT, Manawasinghe IS, Liu M, Li XH, Hyde KD, Yan JY
Mycosphere 14(1), 1340–1435
16. Mycosphere Notes 413–448: Dothideomycetes associated with woody oil plants in China
Li WL, Liang RR, Dissanayake AJ, Liu JK
Mycosphere 14(1), 1436–1529
17. Beyond observation: genomic traits and machine learning algorithms for predicting fungal lifestyles
Chen YP, Su PW, Stadler M, Xiang R, Hyde KD, Tian WH, Maharachchikumbura SSN
Mycosphere 14(1), 1530–1563
18. Global diversity, molecular phylogeny and divergence times of the brown‑rot fungi within the Polyporales
Liu S, Shen LL, Xu TM, Song CG, Gao N, Wu DM, Sun YF, Cui BK
Mycosphere 14(1), 1564–1664
19. A multi‑gene phylogeny clarifies species diversity, taxonomy, and divergence times of Ceriporia and other related genera in Irpicaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota)
Wang CG, Zhao H, Liu HG, Zeng GY, Yuan Y, Dai YC
Mycosphere 14(1), 1665–1729
20. OFPT: a one-stop software for fungal phylogeny
Zeng XY, Tan TJ, Tian FH, Wang Y, Wen TC
Mycosphere 14(1), 1730–1741
21. Species diversity of Hygrophorus in China and a phylogenetic study of the genus
Wang CQ, Zhang M, He XL, Liu JW, Wei TZ, Liu TZ, Wang K, Adamčík S, Li TH, Deng WQ
Mycosphere 14(1), 1742–1834
22. Fungalpedia, an illustrated compendium of the fungi and fungus-like taxa
Hyde KD, Amuhenage TB, Apurillo CCS, Asghari R, Aumentado HD, Bahkali AH, Bera I, Bhunjun CS, Calabon MS, Chandrasiri S, Chethana KWT, Doilom M, Dong W, Fallahi M, Gajanayake AJ, Gomdola D, Gunarathne A, Hongsanan S, Huanraluek N, Jayawardena RS,
Kapov SA, Khyaju S, Le L, Li CJY, Li QR, Li YX, Lin CG, Linn MM, Liu JK, Liu NG,
Luangharn T, Madagammana AD, Manawasinghe IS, Marasinghe DS, McKenzie EHC, Meakala N, Meng QF, Mukhopadhyay S, Norphanphoun C, Pem D, Phukhamsakda C, Sarma VV, Selcuk F, Senanayake IC, Shah S, Shu YX, Silva HVS, Su HL, Tavakol M, Thakshila SAD, Thiyagaraja V, Thongklang N, Tian Q, Tibpromma S, Tun ZL, Ulukapi M, Wang Y, Wannasawang N, Wijayawardene NN, Wimalasena SDMK, Xiao Y, Xiong YR, Yasanthika WAE, Li Q, Dai DQ
Mycosphere 14(1), 1835–1959
23. Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa
Hyde KD, Abdel-Wahab MA, Abdollahzadeh J, Abeywickrama PD, Absalan S, Afshari N, Ainsworth AM, Akulov OY, Aleoshin VV, Al-Sadi AM, Alvarado P, Alves A, Alves-Silva G, Amalfi M, Amira Y, Amuhenage TB, Anderson J, Antonín V, Aouali S, Aptroot A, Apurillo CCS, Araújo JPM, Ariyawansa HA, Armand A, Arumugam E, Asghari R, Assis DMA, Atienza V, Avasthi S, Azevedo E, Bahkali AH, Bakhshi M, Banihashemi Z, Bao DF, Baral HO, Barata M, Barbosa F, Barbosa RN, Barreto RW, Baschien C, Belamesiatseva DB, Bennett Reuel M, Bera I, Bezerra JDP, Bezerra JL, Bhat DJ, Bhunjun CS, Bianchinotti MV, Błaszkowski J, Blondelle A, Boekhout T, Bonito G, Boonmee S, Boonyuen N, Bregant C, Buchanan P, Bundhun D, Burgaud G, Burgess T, Buyck B, Cabarroi-Hernández M, Cáceres MES, Caeiro MF, Cai L, Cai MF, Calabon MS, Calaça FJS, Callalli M, Camara MPS, Cano-Lira JF, Cantillo T, Cao B, Carlavilla JR, Carvalho A, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Castlebury L, Castro-Jauregui O, Catania MDV, Cavalcanti LH, Cazabonne J, Cedeño-Sanchez ML, Chaharmiri-Dokhaharani S, Chaiwan N, Chakraborty N, Chaverri P, Cheewangkoon R, Chen C, Chen CY, Chen KH, Chen J, Chen Q, Chen WH, Chen YP, Chethana KWT, Coleine C, Condé TO, Corazon-Guivin MA, Cortés-Pérez A, Costa-Rezende DH, Courtecuisse R, Crouch JA, Crous PW, Cui BK, Cui YY, da Silva DKA, da Silva GA, da Silva IR, da Silva RMF, da Silva Santos AC, Dai DQ, Dai YC, Damm U, Darmostuk V, Daroodi Zoha, Das K, Das K, Davoodian N, Davydov EA, Dayarathne MC, Decock C, de Groot MD, De Kesel A, dela Cruz TEE, De Lange R, Delgado G, Denchev CM, Denchev TT, de Oliveira NT, de Silva NI, de Souza FA, Dentinger B, Devadatha B, Dianese JC, Dima B, Diniz AG, Dissanayake AJ, Dissanayake LS, Doğan HH, Doilom M, Dolatabadi S, Dong W, Dong ZY, Dos Santos LA, Drechsler-Santos ER, Du TY, Dubey MK, Dutta AK, Egidi E, Elliott TF, Elshahed MS, Erdoğdu M, Ertz D, Etayo J, Evans HC, Fan XL, Fan YG, Fedosova AG, Fell J, Fernandes I, Firmino AL, Fiuza PO, Flakus A, Fragoso de Souza CA, Frisvad JC, Fryar SC, Gabaldón T, Gajanayake AJ, Galindo LJ, Gannibal PB, García D, García-Sandoval SR, Garrido-Benavent I, Garzoli L, Gautam AK, Ge ZW, Gené DJ, Gentekaki E, Ghobad-Nejhad M, Giachini AJ, Gibertoni TB, Góes-Neto A, Gomdola D, Gomes de Farias AR, Gorjón SP, Goto BT, Granados-Montero MM, Griffith GW, Groenewald JZ, Groenewald M, Grossart HP, Gueidan C, Gunarathne A, Gunaseelan S, Gusmão LFP, Gutierrez AC, Guzmán-Dávalos L, Haelewaters D, Halling R, Han YF, Hapuarachchi KK, Harder CB, Harrington TC, Hattori T, He MQ, He S, He SH, Healy R, Herández-Restrepo M, Heredia G, Hodge KT, Holgado-Rojas M, Hongsanan S, Horak E, Hosoya T, Houbraken J, Huang SK, Huanraluek N, Hur JS, Hurdeal VG, Hustad VP, Iotti M, Iturriaga T, Jafar E, Janik P, Jayalal RGU, Jayasiri SC, Jayawardena RS, Jeewon R, Jerônimo GH, Jesus AL, Jin J, Johnston PR, Jones EBG, Joshi Y, Justo A, Kaishian P, Kakishima M, Kaliyaperumal M, Kang GP, Kang JC, Karimi O, Karpov SA, Karunarathna SC, Kaufmann M, Kemler M, Kezo K, Khyaju S, Kirchmair M, Kirk PM, Kitaura MJ, Klawonn I, Kolarik M, Kong A, Kuhar F, Kukwa M, Kumar S, Kušan I, Lado C, Larsson KH, Latha KPD, Lee HB, Leonardi M, Leontyev DL, Lestari AS, Li CJY, Li DW, Li H, Li HY, Li L, Li QR, Li WL, Li Y, Li YC, Liao CF, Liimatainen K, Lim YW, Lin CG, Linaldeddu BT, Linde CC, Linn MM, Liu F, Liu JK, Liu NG, Liu S, Liu SL, Liu XF, Liu XY, Liu XZ, Liu ZB, Lu L, Lu YZ, Luangharn T, Luangsa-ard JJ, Lumbsch HT, Lumyong S, Luo L, Luo M, Luo ZL, Ma J, Machado AR, Madagammana AD, Madrid H, Magurno F, Magyar D, Mahadevan N, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Maimaiti Y, Malosso E, Manamgoda DS, Manawasinghe IS, Mapook A, Marasinghe DS, Mardones M, Marin-Felix Y, Márquez R, Masigol H, Matočec N, May T, McKenzie EHC, Meiras-Ottoni A, Melo RFR, Mendes ARL, Mendieta S, Meng QF, Menkis A, Menolli N Jr, Mešić A, Meza Calvo JG, Mikhailov KV, Miller SL, Moncada B, Moncalvo JM, Monteiro JS, Monteiro M, Mora-Montes HM, Moreau PA, Mueller GM, Mukhopadyay S, Murugadoss R, Nagy LG, Najafiniya M, Nanayakkara CM, Nascimento CC, Nei Y, Neves MA, Neuhauser S, Niego AGT, Nilsson RH, Niskanen T, Niveiro N, Noorabadi MT, Noordeloos ME, Norphanphoun C, Nuñez Otaño NB, O’Donnell RP, Oehl F, Olariaga I, Orlando FP, Pang KL, Papp V, Pawłowska J, Peintner U, Pem D, Pereira OL, Perera RH, Perez-Moreno J, Perez-Ortega S, Péter G, Phillips AJL, Phonemany M, Phukhamsakda, Phutthacharoen K, Piepenbring M, Pires-Zottarelli CLA, Poinar G, Pošta A, Prieto M, Promputtha I, Quandt CA, Radek R, Rahnama K, Raj KNA, Rajeshkumar KC, Rämä T, Rambold G, Ramírez-Cruz V, Rasconi S, Rathnayaka AR, Raza M, Ren GC, Robledo GL, Rodriguez-Flakus P, Ronikier A, Rossi W, Ryberg M, Ryvarden LR, Salvador‑Montoya CA, Samant B, Samarakoon BC, Samarakoon MC, Sánchez-Castro I, Sánchez-García M, Sandoval-Denis M, Santiago ALCMA, Santamaria B, Santos ACS, Sarma VV, Savchenko A, Savchenko K, Saxena RK, Scholler M, Schoutteten N, Seifollahi E, Selbmann L, Selcuk F, Senanayake IC, Seto K, Shabashova TG, Shen HW, Shen YM, Silva-Filho AGS, Simmons DR, Singh R, Sir EB, Song Chang-Ge, Souza-Motta CM Sruthi OP, Stadler M, Stchigel AM, Stemler J, Stephenson SL, Strassert JFH, Su HL Su L, Suetrong S, Sulistyo B, Sun YF, Sun YR, Svantesson Sten, Sysouphanthong P, Takamatsu S, Tan TH, Tanaka K, Tang AMC, Tang X, Tanney JB, Tavakol NM, Taylor JE, Taylor PWJ, Tedersoo L, Tennakoon DS, Thamodini GK, Thines M, Thiyagaraja V, Thongklang N, Tiago PV, Tian Q, Tian WH, Tibell L, Tibell S, Tibpromma S, Tkalčec Z, Tomšovský M, Toome-Heller M, Torruella G, Tsurykau A, Udayanga D, Ulukapi M, Untereiner WA, Uzunov BA, Valle LG, Van Caenegem W, Van den Wyngaert S, Van Vooren N, Velez P, Verma RK, Vieira LC, Vieira WAS, Vizzini A, Walker A, Walker AK, Wanasinghe DN, Wang CG, Wang K, Wang SX, Wang XY, Wang Y, Wannasawang N, Wartchow F, Wei DP, Wei XL, White JF, Wijayawardene NN, Wijesinghe SN, Wijesundara DSA, Wisitrassameewong K, Worthy FR, Wu F, Wu G, Wu HX, Wu N, Wu WP, Wurzbacher C, Xiao YP, Xiong YR, Xu LJ, Xu R, Xu RF, Xu RJ, Xu TM, Yakovchenko L, Yan JY, Yang H, Yang J, Yang ZL, Yang YH,Yapa N, Yasanthika E, Youssef NH, Yu FM, Yu Q, fD, Yu YX, Yu ZF, Yuan HS, Yuan Y, Yurkov A, Zafari D, Zamora JC, Zare R, Zeng M, Zeng NK, Zeng XY, Zhang F, Zhang H, Zhang JF, Zhang JY, Zhang QY, Zhang SN, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Zhang YX, Zhao CL, Zhao H, Zhao Q, Zhao RL, Zhou LW, Zhou M, Zhurbenko MP, Zin HH, Zucconi L
Mycosphere 14(1), 1960–2012
24. Boletaceae from Shanxi Province of northern China with descriptions of ten new species
Mao N, Zhao TY, Zhang YX, Li T, Lv JC, Fan L
Mycosphere 14(1), 2013–2091
25. Endophytic Fusarium and allied fungi from Rosa roxburghii in China
Zhang H, Zeng Y, Wei TP, Jiang YL, Zeng XY
Mycosphere 14(1), 2092–2207
26. Mycosphere notes 449–468: saprobic and endophytic fungi in China, Thailand, and Uzbekistan
Dong W, Hyde KD, Jeewon R, Liao CF, Zhao HJ, Kularathnage ND, Li H, Yang YH, Pem D, Shu YX, Gafforov Y, Manawasinghe IS, Doilom M
Mycosphere 14(1), 2208–2262
27. Medical Fusarium: novel species or uncertain identifications?
Song Y, Hu S, de Hoog GS, Liu X, Meng X, Xue R, van Diepeningen AD, Fokkens L, Li RY, Gao S
Mycosphere 14(1), 2263–2283
Issue 2: SI Recent Advances in Colletotrichum Taxonomy & Sys
28. Genome-scale and multi-gene phylogenetic analyses of Colletotrichum spp. host preference and associated with medicinal plants
Zhang Q, Nizamani MM, Feng Y, Yang YQ, Jayawardena RS, Hyde KD, Wang Y, Li C
Mycosphere 14(2), 1–106
29. Identification and characterization of Colletotrichum species associated with durian fruit in northern Thailand
Armand A, Hyde KD, Huanraluek N, Wang Y, Jayawardena RS
Mycosphere 14(2), 107–129
30. Colletotrichum species associated with Camellia anthracnose in China
Peng XJ, Wang QC, Zhang SK, Guo K, Zhou XD
Mycosphere 14(2), 130–157
31. Hosts of Colletotrichum
Talhinhas P, Baroncelli R
Mycosphere 14(2), 158–261
32. Identification and characterization of Colletotrichum species associated with ornamental plants in Southern China
Zhang YX, Chen JW, Manawasinghe IS, Lin YH, Jayawardena RS, McKenzie EHC, Hyde KD, Xiang MM
Mycosphere 14(2), 262–302